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As people age, their skin may become less firm, and they may develop wrinkles, heavier facial features, and areas of hollowness. Together, these changes can significantly affect a person’s appearance. Dr. Sauerhammer performs facelift surgery for Appleton and Green Bay patients to reverse these signs of aging. She focuses on natural-looking rejuvenation of the mid and lower face. Her procedure addresses lax skin, jowls, double chin, hollows, and other areas of need.

Patients rely on Dr. Sauerhammer for their care because of her skill and experience. She is the only fellowship-trained craniofacial plastic surgeon in northern Wisconsin. Previously, she was a member of the team that conducted the first full face transplant in the United States. As a specialist with Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery, she brings advanced surgical techniques and a practiced eye for aesthetics to every procedure.

Benefits of a Facelift

  • The "gold standard."

    A facelift is the most effective way to address significant signs of aging in the mid-face and neck. Surgery can resolve a variety of concerns and is highly personalized to each patient’s needs.

  • A firmer, younger appearance.

    In a standard facelift, Dr. Sauerhammer will remove excess skin and reposition facial features in their higher, more youthful position. She will also contour areas of need, including the cheeks and neck.

  • Lasting effects.

    The improvement that you see from your facelift will last much longer than non-surgical treatment. Your appearance should age at a normal rate and from a younger physical state.

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Sauerhammer offers patients nearly a decade of experience and specialization in rejuvenating procedures for the body, breasts, and face. Her practice also includes pediatric plastic surgery, transgender confirmation, reconstructive procedures, and noninvasive cosmetic treatment. She is double-board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery.

Is Facelift Surgery Right for You?

Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery provides Appleton and Green Bay patients several treatment options for facial aging, including facelift and non-surgical injectables. You may be a candidate for facelift surgery if:

  • You want to resolve signs of aging and skin laxity in your neck and mid-face.
  • Treatment with injectables is not providing you with the aesthetic improvement you want.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Sauerhammer will talk with you about what you would like to accomplish with treatment and will perform a comprehensive examination. Her approach is to provide the most conservative care that also achieves a patient’s goals. For most people, this means starting with non-surgical injectable treatment.

Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery offers the full line of Allergan® products — including JUVEDERM® VOLUMA®, VOLLUREâ„¢, VOLBELLA®, and ULTRA PLUS — as well as BOTOX®, Restylane®, and KYBELLA®. These injectable solutions can resolve fine lines and wrinkles, add fullness and firmness, and reduce the appearance of a double chin. The results range from months to years in duration. Once injectable treatments are no longer giving you the results you want, Dr. Sauerhammer will help you explore your options with a facelift.

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Are You Ready to Improve Your Appearance?

Dr. Sauerhammer is committed to truly understanding your unique goals and devotes herself to providing high-quality, life-changing results for every patient, every time. If you are ready to learn more about how the Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery can help you achieve your ideal image, call our office today to request a consultation!

What Is the Recovery from a Facelift Like?

Dr. Sauerhammer performs facelift surgery under general anesthesia. Typically, Appleton and Green Bay patients will have two surgical drains in place afterward, which Dr. Sauerhammer will remove when they come for their follow-up the next day. After your surgery, you will wear a facial compression dressing to help with swelling and bruising, which should subside after two weeks. Long-lasting local anesthesia will improve your comfort during your recovery.

Usually, facelift patients see an immediate reduction in signs of facial aging. Most describe the results as a “refreshed version” of themselves. Dr. Sauerhammer will place incisions in a way that resulting scars will be well hidden, and these scars typically flatten and fade within one year.

Pricing for a Facelift in Appleton and Green Bay

Some of the factors that can affect the price include:

Facelift Complexity Icon

The complexity of your procedure.

Facelift Features Icon

The features that Dr. Sauerhammer addresses.

Facelift plus Blepharoplasty Benefit Icon

Whether you combine a facelift with other procedures, such as a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

Our practice encourages you to come in for a consultation so that we can discuss your goals, review your needs, and provide you with your options for treatment.

Get a Price Estimate

Schedule a visit with Dr. Sauerhammer to learn more about facelift surgery. Contact us online or by phone in Appleton and Green Bay at (920) 380-9890.

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Providing Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Services to Patients
in the Appleton and Green Bay Area

At the Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery, you can enjoy a range of cosmetic procedures and dedicated care in our offices in Appleton and Green Bay. As a double-board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sauerhammer specializes in rejuvenating surgical solutions, including breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and facelifts, designed to help you look and feel your best. We seamlessly integrate all our plastic surgery services with skilled dermatology care and aesthetic specialists: Megan MacCarthy, PA-C, Colleen Van Egeren, PA-C, and Amanda Olsen, PA-C. They prioritize your goals through comprehensive evaluations and advanced techniques to help you achieve optimal and long-lasting results.