botox patient wisconsin institute plastic surgeryAre you concerned about a new or irregular mole on your body? If so, you may want to seek the help of a trusted mole removal specialist. 

Moles can appear anywhere on the body, come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, and pose various health risks if left untreated. Some moles are entirely harmless and do not need any treatment, while others can indicate aggressive forms of cancer, such as melanoma, which can be fatal without treatment. 

Due to the complexity of what a mole can represent, you must seek the help of a medical professional as soon as you find any new, irregular, or changing moles anywhere on your body.

What Is Mole Removal?

Mole removal is a procedure a specialist performs to cut, burn, or scrape the mole off your skin. Mole removal can be done as a cosmetic procedure to remove an unsightly skin growth or as a vital medical procedure to potentially save your life. 

Moles are removed using various techniques, including surgical scalpel excision, laser removal, and cryotherapy. Your local mole removal specialist will determine which method best suits your needs, as different removal techniques work best for other moles. 

Why is it Important to Find a Trusted Specialist for Mole Removal?

Mole removal may seem like a simple procedure requiring little expertise. However, this can not be further from the truth. Mole removal is a procedure a specialist medical professional should carry out for several reasons.

Firstly, removing a mole for aesthetic reasons is a delicate task. A specialist can remove the entire mole, leaving minimal scarring and tissue damage. If you get the mole removed by a non-specialist, it could cause a large scar, defeating the purpose of eliminating the growth for aesthetic reasons.

Secondly, before a specialist removes the mole from your skin, they can determine whether it is a cause of concern. Some moles can look standard but indicate skin cancer early, while others may look harmful and perfectly safe. A specialist has the knowledge and experience required to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the best cause of treatment. 

Lastly, problematic moles, like cancerous ones, require specific methods for removing them effectively. Typically, a specialist will remove the mole layer by layer. This allows for complete removal of the mole, which prevents regrowth. If even a tiny amount of a cancerous mole is missed during the removal, the cancer will likely continue to grow and develop. 

Types of Moles and Skin Conditions Requiring Special Care

Moles come in all shapes and sizes. Some moles are small, while others can be up to half an inch in diameter or more. Moles can be black, brown, blue, tan, orange, or red and can be oval, circular, or irregularly shaped. The size and shape of the mole is a good indication of the treatment needed to remove it.

See below for some common moles and skin conditions that require the help of a specialist:

  • Common Moles- Common or typical moles are oval or circular and are usually entirely brown or black. These moles are also relatively small, usually about the width of an eraser on a pencil. These moles are not a cause of concern and are typically only removed for aesthetic purposes. 
  • Atypical Moles- An atypical mole is more significant than a common mole, has more than one color showing in the mole, or is not symmetrical in appearance. Atypical moles may be harmless, but they may also indicate skin cancer. As such, a mole removal specialist should check all atypical moles. 
  • Suspicious Moles- A suspicious mole shows signs of cancerous growth on your skin. Suspicious moles often indicate melanoma, a rare and highly aggressive form of cancer that can become fatal. Suspicious moles contain more than one color, have an irregular boundary, bleed or ooze liquid, or change in size, shape, and color.

    All suspicious moles require immediate medical assessment by a specialist to prevent the cancer from developing and spreading.

Mole Removal Near Me

Moles can vary significantly in appearance, size, shape, and potential health risks. While some moles are harmless, others may be early indicators of severe conditions like skin cancer. Due to the complexity of mole analysis, it is crucial to seek the help of a trusted mole removal specialist for any new, changing, or irregular moles.

A specialist can properly diagnose a mole’s nature and remove it using the safest and most effective procedure.

For problematic moles that show signs of cancerous growth, quick action from a specialist may even save one’s life. Taking mole concerns to a mole removal specialist near you is the best way to preserve your health and catch potential issues in their early stages.